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Afghan Wattan>> Training
Training & Literacy:

Computer Training:

Afghan Wattan with its analysis understands that with developing softwares and applications we also require to provide computer training all over Afghanistan. We have computer books on current softwares in Multilanguage. We are issuing franchises in Afghanistan to run training centers.
Our Team has very good experience in providing training centers with their experience which has been proven the "MCC - IT Task Force" in India in regional languages.

Technical Support:

We have high value and importance on all of our customers. We provide training for all products at the time installation to all our clients. We also provide client side customer support 24/7 on emergencies. We have online support all the time for any enquires about the existing or new products of Afghan Wattan
Client Training: The advantages of improved training support include the following:
" Reduced stress and overheads for the trainer and the trainee
" Training collateral that can be used pre-sale to demonstrate training options
" More effective training that leads to better job performance
" Options for creating self-tutoring packages that can be distributed to customers with high staff turnovers, and for localizing training courses

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